
Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures

In May 2016, the Provincial Legislature passed the British Columbia (B.C.) Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act (the “Act”) requires public post-secondary institutions in B.C. to establish policies that address sexual violence including sexual misconduct prevention and responses to sexual misconduct and include procedures for reporting and responding to sexual misconduct involving a student.

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Key Elements

Following extensive consultation across the college community, Camosun has established a policy that clearly lays out a response to sexual violence. Key elements of the policy include:

  • Establishing an environment where sexual violence is not tolerated.
  • Building and nurturing a culture of consent.
  • Identifying clear and consistent support for people who have experienced or witnessed sexual violence.
  • Using clear, appropriate and fair processes for handling complaints about sexual violence.
  • Providing education, training and awareness to the college community about prevention and response to sexual violence.

Camosun implemented its Sexual Violence and Misconduct policy for the first time in 2017, which was reviewed and updated in June of 2020 and again in September 2023.

Office of Student Support

Student Support Managers within the Office of Student Support are responsible for providing support to any student in a timely manner, under the Sexual Violence Policy, and students may choose to make a disclosure or a report to the college. Regardless of where or when the student experienced or witnessed sexual violence, you can receive support from the College, including a Student Support Manager, a Counsellor, or Campus Security.

Sample process

A flowchart outlining the process of disclosing an act of sexual violence

This graphic outlines the processes and services available to any student, in the order in which they normally occur.