
Employment Training and Preparation Success Stories

Employment Training and Preparation (ETP) programs at Camosun College have been providing students with a supportive learning environment to explore opportunities in life, learning and work for close to 40 years.

Evan standing in front of LACC

Planting the seeds of future success

An interest in gardening has evolved into a plan for a job in landscaping combined with long-term life goals. Evan also had the opportunity to learn to be more independent, while making new friends and being part of campus life.

Jacob standing next to the Interurban Campus banner, wearing a blue Chargers hoodie.

Supporting a love of learning

A sense of family along with a toolbox containing the skills to manage specific settings is helping Jacob explore future post-secondary options. Most of all, ETP programs have helped give him a stronger direction and sense of purpose in life.

Kyla standing in the greenhouse, smiling

Blossoming at Camosun

Exploring what she wants to do next is why Kyla enrolled in ETP but she has also grown in confidence and is happiest tending plants in the college鈥檚 greenhouse.

Mik smiling, as she stands in front of the Interurban Library

Having the confidence to take on new challenges

Instructors watched Mik emerge from her cocoon before becoming a butterfly that soared. Mik developed confidence through ETP programs, made new friends and upgraded her English to get on her path to success.

Nic standing by the bookshelf in the library

Lights, camera, university studies!

The education and confidence gained through ETP programs, English upgrading and diploma has put Nic on the path to a degree at UVic and, hopefully, a career as a filmmaker.

Tasha Standing outdoors with her headphones around her neck

Discovering her inner dragon

Learning to advocate for herself and others has helped Tasha find her own path and grow in confidence.

Kaleb standing outdoors smiling at the Interurban Campus

Overcoming his fears

Post-secondary education was a scary idea for Kaleb but his time at Camosun College has taught him to believe in himself.

About ETP Programs

Employment Training and Preparation (ETP) programs are designed for adults who identify as facing barriers to education and employment. These strength-based learning programs equip students with the skills needed for entry-level jobs while exploring various work, educational, and community environments. In small cohorts, students develop essential life, learning, and work skills in retail, kitchen, and garden settings, with opportunities for workplace certifications and practical experience.

ETP Students Holding Compost Cropped for CTA

Employment Training & Preparation

Break down barriers, prepare for entry-level employment and explore a variety of work.